We want our reviews to match the fast of pace of publishing today and this is always a challenge (publishing isn't getting any slower!). Our editorial group does a great deal of work trying to match up new articles and books with reviewers as fast as we learn about them and I think our reviewers would say that we aren't shy about prodding them to get their review drafts in to us quickly.
The module that our reviewers access to write and submit their reviews also allows them to self-assign items they want to review and self-assignments are a critical part of the reviewer-to-item match. When you're reading a review, if you see "Reviewer Selected" in the Recommendations box to the top right of the page you know that the reviewer has self-assigned that item.
To further encourage reviewer self-assignment we use alerting. Most commonly, reviewers get their alerts by matches to the CCS profile; but we're hoping to encourage more Journal Title Alerting and browsing for articles to make that critical match while the articles are still hot off the presses (or the pixels are smoking if they're published online first). We're going to be sending out a tip sheet to all reviewers about this feature but I wanted to also promote it here for any that might be reading. If you'd like a PDF of the tip sheet, please contact Annette at [email protected] and she'll send it along to you.