Featured in Five is a monthly section where we pose five questions to a Computing Reviews featured reviewer. Here are the responses from our January featured reviewer, Eugene Callahan.
Q) What is the most important thing that's happened in computing in the past 10 years?
A) The spread of Agile and DevOps.
Q) If you weren't working in the computer science field, what would you be doing instead?
A) Farming.
Q) By the end of your career, where do you think computer science will have taken us? What are you working on that might contribute toward that?
A) Prediction is very hard, especially about the future. But I hope our work on easily combining data from different APIs might prove useful to some people.
Q) Who is your favorite historical figure? Why?
A) George Berkeley. He brought clarity to a vexing philosophical problem.
Q) What is your favorite type of music?
A) Reggae.
Click here to read one of Eugene’s recent reviews.