Featured in Five is a monthly section where we pose five questions to a Computing Reviews featured reviewer. Here are the responses from our November featured reviewer, Joseph M. Arul.
Q) What is the most important thing that's happened in computing in the past 10 years?
A) The most important thing that’s happened in computing in the past 10 years is in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), where tremendous improvements and a major turning point have taken place. It used to be that mainly deductive reasoning was applied to the field of AI. But due to the introduction of graphics processing units (GPUs) and faster machines, inductive learning combined with deductive reasoning started to produce some end results. Thus, many companies and countries started to invest in the field, and AI has since improved the lives of many people and many countries around the world. Today, AI has infiltrated every part of our lives as society takes advantage of its benefits. I am sure that quantum computing, too, will be a turn for the better in the near future.
Q) If you weren't working in the computer science field, what would you be doing instead?
A) If I were not working in the computer science field, I would work with people who are struggling to make ends meet, that is, help them to improve their livelihood and apply technology in beneficial ways. This population could include farmers, day laborers, or those who have little basic education. Basically, I would try to bring a smile to their faces.
Q) By the end of your career, where do you think computer science will have taken us? What are you working on that might contribute toward that?
A) I am sure that, within a few years, the quantum computer will change the world and the way we compute things. That being said, every field in computer science has a different outlook and could change the world in different ways. Since quantum computing provides a new way of looking at problems, we may have to think differently. I am looking forward to working in quantum computing in the future.
Q) Who is your favorite historical figure? Why?
A) My favorite historical figure is Mahatma Gandhi. With a determined mind—and without violence—he brought freedom and independence to India. He also spoke about the unity of all religions.
Q) What is your favorite type of music?
A) I like relaxing music with guitar and trumpet sounds. Soothing songs for meditation.
Click here to read one of Joseph’s reviews.