Featured in Five is a monthly section where we pose questions to a Computing Reviews featured reviewer. Here are the responses from our April featured reviewer, Svetlana Segarceanu.
Q) What is the most important thing that's happened in computing in the past 10 years?
A) I do not know; maybe advances in communication, with all it involves, including the Internet, the Internet of Things (IOT), speech processing, and natural language processing (NLP).
Q) If you weren't working in the computer science field, what would you be doing instead?
A) Something more related to environmental protection or education.
Q) By the end of your career, where do you think computer science will have taken us? What are you working on that might contribute toward that?
A) I am at the end of my career. My contributions are very unimportant.
Q) Who is your favorite historical figure? Why?
A) Leonhard Euler comes to my mind. He was blind by the age of 59, but made most of his discoveries after that age.
Q) What is your favorite type of music?
A) Pop (The Beatles, The Rolling Stones), classical (Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich, Rachmaninoff, Bellini, and many others), and Latin (Mexican, Argentinian, Peruvian).
Click here to read one of Svetlana's reviews.