Computing Reviews, the post-publication review and comment journal of ACM, is seeking a volunteer editor interested in serving as category editor for the computer systems organization area (encompassing architectures, embedded and cyber-physical systems, real-time systems, dependable and fault-tolerant systems, sensor networks, wireless communication, and emerging areas such as the Internet of Things).
The qualified candidate will be prepared to check written reviews of already-published items for quality, and the classification terms from ACM's CCS for accuracy, as well as use a Web-based editing system to make any suggested changes to the CCS terms or to the review itself. Most importantly, the category editor provides feedback to the review's author so that existing guidelines are met. He or she also works with staff and reviewers to develop additional features for the publication. This is an opportunity for an enthusiast in the discipline to use specialist knowledge to contribute to a product that helps others navigate and sift through the computing literature.
If you are interested, please send an email--including your CV and a statement outlining why you feel you would be a good candidate--to ceapps [at] computingreviews [dot] com. Please include the code CE-CSO in the subject line.